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The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Suggestions for Modernizing Schedule A

Brent Parton, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training
Employment and Training Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20210


Re:       Labor Certification for Permanent Employment of Foreign Workers in the United States; Modernizing Schedule A To Include Consideration of Additional Occupations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Non-STEM Occupations

DOL Docket No. ETA–2023–0006

RIN 1205-AC16

Submitted via


Dear Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Parton:

This letter concerns the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Employment and Training Administration’s request for information on the Schedule A shortage occupation list. The Bipartisan Policy Center appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on modernizing Schedule A—a vital tool for addressing U.S. labor supply needs through immigration.

BPC is a DC-based think tank that helps policymakers work across party lines to craft bipartisan solutions. BPC polling shows that expanding legal immigration to support the economy and fill jobs has broad support among both Democrats and Republicans.[i] This bipartisan agreement suggests that any modernization of Schedule A by DOL could remain durable across administrations. With Congress not having raised visa caps since 1990, updating Schedule A is an effective way to direct our existing visa allocation where it is most needed.

BPC works across multiple policy areas, giving us a clear view of how a lack of available U.S. workers for STEM and non-STEM jobs negatively impacts economic growth, national security, international competitiveness, and the well-being of Americans. Addressing these labor needs is a clear imperative for the current administration and modernizing Schedule A is an effective way to start doing so.

We hope that DOL carefully considers the answers we have provided below to the questions posed in the RFI. Now is the time to adopt an effective, repeatable approach to regularly updating Schedule A.

We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process. For any questions or additional information, please contact Theresa Cardinal Brown, BPC Senior Advisor for Immigration and Cross-Border Policy ([email protected]).

Respectfully submitted,

The Bipartisan Policy Center

[i] Theresa Cardinal Brown, Sadikshya Nepal, Rachel Iacono. “BPC/Morning Consult Poll Finds Economic, Legal Immigration a Pathway for Bipartisan Legislation.” Bipartisan Policy Center. May 27, 2021. Available at:

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