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BPC XR Initiative

Immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) fall under the umbrella term XR and are reshaping society. Immersive technologies are already being used by retailers to train workers, surgeons to practice surgery, and car manufacturers to design new products. The consulting firm PwC predicts that immersive technologies have the potential to boost global GDP by up to $1.5 trillion by 2030. The promise of these technologies is paired with many challenges. How do we protect privacy? How do we maintain security? What ethical values and standards should be upheld when designing these products? What role should the government play in fostering innovation?

BPC is studying these immersive technologies and gathering diverse perspectives from civil society, academia, industry, and other stakeholders on the policy issues raised. The BPC XR initiative will help inform policymakers about XR’s promises and challenges.

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