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Improving Equity Outcomes for New Federal Investments in Clean Energy Infrastructure

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act makes a historic down payment towards an American clean energy future, with nearly $400 billion to build new clean energy infrastructure. The American Association of Blacks in Energy and BPC are working together to explore the opportunities and challenges inherent in these new federal investments. We convened a series of conversations with environmental justice advocates, government officials, and business and industry leaders to discuss options for ensuring that IIJA investments:

AABE and BPC identified three categories of clean energy infrastructure investment that can support more equitable outcomes for communities. Download our explainer for more on key concepts and case study examples of IIJA and other programs that fall within each of these categories.

  1. Foundational Investments: Targeting areas of historic underinvestment to modernize energy infrastructure and support communities’ full economic participation and well-being.
  2. Remedial Investments: Aiming to correct or eliminate existing infrastructure deficiencies resulting from neglect, harm, or obsolescence.
  3. Resilience Investments: Improving energy infrastructure so that communities can better withstand the impacts of extreme weather and climate-induced hazards.
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