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Women in the Workforce: Supporting Work and Caregiving During the Pandemic and Beyond

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Women have always been challenged by the proverbial work-life balance, but the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified these stressors. Among parent-age adults, the difference between pre-pandemic and current labor force participation rates equates to a loss of about 1.5 million female workers, nearly twice the losses of the male workers.

Keeping women attached to the workforce is not only critical to overall economic growth but to families maintaining financial security while meeting the needs of children and vulnerable and aging loved ones.

Please join the Bipartisan Policy Center on May 6 for a panel discussion on the unique challenges facing female workers. We will preview the results of our most recent BPC-Morning Consult survey on the workforce and families and explore how disproportionate job losses and historic caregiving responsibilities have impacted working women. We will also drill down on policy solutions, such as paid family leave, that can serve as important tools—not only to bring women back to the workforce but to ensure that families are better supported moving forward.

Featured Participants

Opening remarks:

Ben Gitis
Senior Policy Analyst, BPC

Panel Discussion:

Maggie Cordish
Fellow, BPC; Former Policy Advisor on Family and Childcare Policy, White House Office of Economic Initiatives

Henri Loh
Sr. Manager PMO, Airbnb; Co-Lead, Parenting Resource Group

Nicole Smith
Research Professor and Chief Economist, Georgetown University
Candace Waterman
President and CEO, Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP)

Moderated by:

Adrienne Schweer
Fellow and Director, BPC

In light of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, BPC events have shifted to all remote formats, such as video teleconferences or calls.

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