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A Win for Bipartisanship

Washington, DC – The Bipartisan Policy Center applauds the House passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and awaits the prompt signing from President Biden. While the passage of IIJA is long overdue, BPC remains hopeful and invested in seeing its priorities through given their immense impact on American families. The IIJA reflects many of the goals and policy recommendations that BPC outlined earlier this year.

“When elected officials put aside party label and politics, great things happen for the American people,” said BPC President Jason Grumet. “Today’s passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is an example of that and is welcome news for the American people.”

This transformational legislation will strengthen communities, bolster our global competitiveness, make needed investments in water systems and roadways, enhance our country’s built and natural infrastructure against disasters, and leverage private sector investment.

Importantly, enactment of IIJA will advance the development and deployment of the clean energy infrastructure that is required for an economically viable transition toward a net-zero carbon emitting economy.

Moreover, the existence of  meaningful Republican support for this legislation in the midst of  fundamentally partisan reconciliation process is a green shoot in an otherwise frozen field. The 228 house votes in concert with the 69 votes for passage in the Senate are a reminder of our government’s potential to develop broadly supported durable public policy. Congress is to be applauded for this monumental achievement.

The compromise necessary to pass this bipartisan bill signifies a moment of recognition in today’s divided environment.

“Compromise is the oxygen of democracy, and the actions this week by members of both parties in the House and Senate are examples of what happens when we work together.  The infrastructure bill will make America stronger and better,” said former Sen. and BPC Co-Founder Tom Daschle. “That is not a political statement, that is an American statement, and we need more of this in Washington. Meaningful change comes about when we put country ahead of party. I congratulate President Biden and Congressional leaders for getting this across the finish line.”

This type of compromise is not new to this Congress; rather, it’s an age-old practice of good-faith politics.

“During my nearly 40 years in public service, I have always known that it is better to be a deal maker instead of a deal breaker. It remains important for members of Congress to talk to each other and work on the things that can get done,” said former Sen. and BPC Fellow Trent Lott. “Today’s passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is an example of that. Congress and the president have proven again that they can set aside politics from time to time to get results. This legislation is another example of political leaders coming together to produce real and meaningful progress for the American people. I congratulate their success in getting this done.”

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