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Ep. 173: On the Other Side of The Border – Immigration and Mexico’s Incoming President

This Week in Immigration: Episode 173

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In this week’s episode, BPC Senior Advisor Theresa Cardinal Brown delves into the recent Mexican presidential election and its implications for U.S. immigration policy with three distinguished guests. Joining us are Andrew Selee, President of the Migration Policy Institute, José Díaz Briseño, a U.S.-based reporter for the Mexican newspaper REFORMA, and Pulitzer-prize winning freelance journalist, Emily Green. We discuss Claudia Sheinbaum, the first female president-elect of Mexico, what her election might mean for cooperation at the U.S.-Mexico border, and what changes in migration dynamics we can expect going forward. Together, they take us through the changing landscape of U.S.-Mexico relations and its implications for binational relations, immigration, and border policy. 
