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Sean Greene

Headshot of Sean Greene

Associate Director, MIT Election Data and Science Lab

Sean is the associate director at the MIT Election Data and Science Lab, assisting in charting the strategic direction of the Lab as well as documenting key current and future contributions in election science research. He has twenty years of experience working in and around the world of elections and has been a leader on both the nonprofit and governmental sides of the sector. He has previously served as the director of research for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, where he managed the Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS), the most comprehensive nationwide collection and analysis of election administration data in the country. Sean was a project director on the leadership team that oversaw the Election Initiatives program at the Pew Charitable Trusts, and he has also been a voting ambassador for the Federal Voting Assistance Program in Rome, Italy. His first job related to election administration was writing reports and newsletter stories for