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Testimony by Congressman Lee Hamilton to the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security

Hamilton, co-chair of BPC’s National Security Preparedness Group and former vice chair of the 9/11 Commission, testified during the Committee’s hearing, “The Attacks of September 11th: Where We Are Today.”

“While we have done much since the attacks ten years ago and are safer than we were that day, there is much more to do. Political leadership from both parties and at all levels of government should renew their focus on completing implementation of the 9/11 Commission recommendations.

“Our national security departments require strong leadership and attentive management at every level to ensure that all parts are working well together. Their dedicated workforces enacted much change and should be commended for their achievements in protecting the American people. But there is a tendency toward inertia in all bureaucracies. Vigorous congressional oversight is imperative to ensure sustained vigilance and continued reforms.”

Last week, BPC released a report card, which highlights nine of the 41 recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission in July 2004 that remain unfinished.

Click here to read the report and view the report card.

Watch the testimony video here.

2011-09-08 00:00:00


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