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Can We Learn to Disagree? A Discussion with Author John Inazu

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Political polarization, culture wars, and angry tribalism undermine respectful discourse and tear at the social fabric of our communities. Moreover, the tremendous diversity of values and experiences in our pluralistic society often makes reasonable, good-faith disagreements with those who we think are deeply wrong difficult to navigate.

In his soon-to-be released book, Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect, Professor John Inazu draws on his experiences as a teacher, scholar, and litigator to provide a practical guide for all Americans on how they can build bridges across divides while maintaining their own convictions.

Please join the Bipartisan Policy Center for a discussion with Professor Inazu and the questions his book raises about how empathy, respect, and humility may enable individuals to disagree well and promote a healthier pluralism.

Attendees will receive a preview link to the first two chapters of the book upon registration.

Featured Participants

John Inazu | Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion, Washington University in St. Louis

Sarah Pessin | Professor and Interfaith Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Denver

Matthew Kuchem | Associate Director, Campus Free Expression Project, BPC (Moderator)

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