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New Horizons for the Agricultural Carbon Market

BPC teamed with Agri-Pulse to explore the evolving voluntary carbon market and value-chain sustainability solutions for livestock and dairy.

More than a dozen experts shared ideas on carbon market integrity, innovations in livestock-specific carbon credits, and how federal policies can support and further improve economic incentives for on-farm sustainability efforts.

  • The first panel emphasized that best-available science must be used to ensure that credits represent meaningful, verifiable reductions in methane emissions against a robustly measured baseline. Strong methods for conducting verification are also essential to build trust in agricultural carbon credit projects. The panel explored what the dairy and livestock industries can learn from state-level activities, including from California’s mandate to reduce methane emissions.
  • The second panel focused on creating profitability on farms while incorporating sustainable practices through a livestock carbon market. Companies seeking to reduce carbon emissions within their own supply chains can use a “carbon insetting” approach, for example by supporting farmers who want to implement dairy digesters or feed additives for livestock and reduce enteric methane emissions. Panelists discussed the launch of the world’s first carbon insetting marketplace for animal agriculture that is focused on validating, certifying, aggregating, and ultimately monetizing the carbon value of on-farm practice changes.
  • The third panel spoke to the role the federal government can play in supporting sustainability on farms, highlighting key USDA conservation and research programs that focus on issues like soil health, methane capture, and nutrient management. These practices create value for the producer as well as the climate. Panelists also called for faster government action to approve new products, like livestock feed additives, and for programs to support producers of all sizes who want to implement sustainable and climate-smart practices.

Watch the full event recording and see the list of panelists and moderators.

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