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National Homeownership Month: Reflections from BPC’s Housing Advisory Council

For many families, purchasing a home is the most critical investment decision they ever make. It is likely their primary asset and their single greatest wealth-building opportunity. As National Homeownership Month comes to a close, we asked a few members of BPC’s Housing Advisory Council to reflect on the continuing value of homeownership and how policymakers can better support families interested in buying a home:

  • Seth Appleton – President, MISMO; Former HUD Assistant Secretary, Policy Development and Research; Former Principal Executive Vice President, Ginnie Mae
  • Eileen Fitzgerald – Head of Housing Affordability Philanthropy, Wells Fargo
  • Gerald Hunter – President and Executive Director, Idaho Housing and Finance Association
  • Jim King – CEO and President, Fahe
  • Chrystal Kornegay – Executive Director, MassHousing
  • Lisa Rice – President and Chief Executive Officer, National Fair Housing Alliance
  • Dana Wade – Chief Production Officer, Walker & Dunlop; Former HUD Assistant Secretary for Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner
  • Karen Freeman-Wilson – President and CEO, Chicago Urban League; Former Mayor of Gary, Indiana

See their responses below:

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