USI President Rochon Joins BPC Academic Leaders Task Force on Campus Free Expression
Washington, DC — The Bipartisan Policy Center welcomes University of Southern Indiana (USI) President Ronald S. Rochon, Ph.D., to its Academic Leaders Task Force on Campus Free Expression.
Comprised of university executives, civic leaders, and former governors, the task force recommends approaches to promote a welcoming environment for robust intellectual exchange on our nation’s campuses.
“Free expression is a threatened value in our country, and colleges and universities must set a higher bar for civil discussion and productive disagreement,” said Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill, director of BPC’s Campus Free Expression Project. “In a changing higher education landscape and polarized national political climate, there is an urgent need for college leaders to uphold academic freedom and free expression in ways respectful of everyone on campus.”
“An essential component of our university mission states that USI exists to provide an educated citizenry that can engage civilly within a community with divergent ideas and cultural differences,” said Rochon. “It is an honor to be asked to serve with an organization that seeks to foster a culture of civility to achieve vital solutions for the nation as a whole.”
Dr. Rochon brings over two decades of experience in higher education leadership, including as USI provost from 2010 to 2018 and previously as the inaugural dean of Buffalo State University’s School of Education. Since November 2023, he has served as chair of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ Board of Directors.
In 2016, USI officially adopted a Statement on Freedom of Expression underscoring the university’s commitment to promoting the open exchange of ideas within and beyond the classroom.
“College presidents set the tone on their campuses in making their campuses homes to open inquiry and frank discussion,” said Chris Gregoire, task force co-chair and chief executive officer, Challenge Seattle. “I am glad that President Rochon is bringing his leadership experience to the task force as we prepare to issue new recommendations for building trust and upholding free expression principles.”
Jim Douglas, task force co-chair and executive in residence, Middlebury College, added, “As a former governor and current college professor, I understand the importance of colleges in preparing America’s future leaders. But daily headlines about unruly protests and campus shout-downs are exacerbating the precipitous decline in trust in higher education. College leaders must change the narrative by upholding free expression principles consistently. Our task force supports them with new strategies to teach students to disagree constructively and think independently.”
The Academic Leaders Task Force is comprised of 12 members representing a diverse group of academic and civic institutions from across the country. Explore findings and recommendations by the task force for promoting free expression in higher education.