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Principles for Negotiating With Iran

For the third time in three years, the United States and its international partners are preparing to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program that poses a pressing threat to U.S. national security. History counsels skepticism toward Iran’s newly rediscovered willingness to negotiate. There is a chance that this time could be different. Yet, this time the stakes are also higher than ever. President Obama has urged Iran to understand that “the window to solving [this] diplomatically is shrinking.”

In its latest paper on Iran’s nuclear program, BPC’s Foreign Policy Project outlines principles that should guide U.S. negotiations with Iran. Those principles are: (1) extend an open hand; (2) negotiate from a position of strength; (3) set and enforce deadlines; and (4) uphold United Nations Security Council resolutions. Following these four principles will maximize the chances for reaching a diplomatic settlement that addresses U.S. concerns about Iran’s nuclear program or, should such an agreement prove elusive, will ensure that Iran does not succeed in, yet again, diluting international resolve.

Related Publication: Establishing a Credible Threat Against Iran’s Nuclear Program

2012-04-09 00:00:00
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