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Testimony by BPC President Jason Grumet to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power

“America’s energy resurgence is not an inevitable result of good fortune, but reflects a combination of natural resources, effective markets, largely coherent regulatory structures, and a culture of discovery and innovation. Sustaining this success demands that we modernize several aspects of our outdated governing framework and increase investment in key infrastructure and technological innovation.

“My testimony can be summarized in three main points:

  1. The greatest near-term opportunities lie in strengthening North American energy integration and collaboration. North American energy self-sufficiency is a realistic goal that must be vigorously pursued and not taken for granted.
  2. Increased North American energy cooperation is a critical component of a larger effort to promote efficient markets, enhance North America’s role in global energy trade, and project U.S. global interests.
  3. We must seize the opportunity to translate the blessing of abundance into a long-term, sustainable energy strategy, and not allow strength to result in complacency.”
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