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Citizens for Political Reform

Tired of partisan bickering and political gridlock? So are we! That’s why the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) created Citizens for Political Reform. It’s a new initiative to empower voters to take back their democracy and help create positive change at the local and national levels. It’s about what you can do to make a difference if you’re frustrated with the current political environment.


Thousands of Americans have already become Citizens, and we want you to join us! Why? By signing up you will:

Send a message to our nation’s leaders: it’s time to end the partisan gridlock and political dysfunction in Washington.

Stay informed through the Citizens monthly newsletter about the latest issues and leaders reaching across the aisle to get things done.

Stand up for change by supporting the recommendations of the Commission on Political Reform, a group of civic leaders who created a package of bipartisan reform recommendations that can help fix what’s broken in our political system.

About Citizens for Political Reform

BPC’s Citizens for Political Reform is an effort to give Americans a voice and an outlet to help fix our broken political system. Citizens is spearheaded by former Senator Olympia Snowe and former Secretary of Agriculture and Congressman Dan Glickman, both Senior Fellows at BPC. Thousands of Americans have already joined Citizens to become more informed about the issues facing our nation’s leaders and more empowered to stand up for a new direction in politics.

Citizens for Political Reform champions the recommendations of BPC’s Commission on Political Reform, a group of civic leaders and former elected officials – Republicans, Democrats, and independents – who worked together to promote several specific recommendations to help get government working more effectively and more Americans engaged in the political process.

Citizens receive information that highlights the Commission’s recommendations, helps them better understand the key political issues in Washington, profiles congressional and state leaders who are reaching across the aisle to make progress, and spotlights how you can play a more active role in standing up for bipartisanship.

Sign up today, join us on Facebook and Twitter, and encourage your friends and family to become part of this movement. Together we can revive bipartisanship in Washington.

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