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BPC Announces New AI Initiative

The rise of artificial intelligence has quickly revolutionized significant portions of the economy, including the transportation, health care, and financial sectors.  As technology progresses, the United States must develop a comprehensive framework that addresses the opportunities and challenges within AI.

The Bipartisan Policy Center has teamed up with Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Robin Kelly (D-IL) to create an AI initiative aimed at establishing a national strategy for how the United States can continue its leadership in developing these technologies while also providing recommendations for how Congress should adapt to ongoing advancements. Hurd announced the work at an October 2019 event and in a subsequent press release.

Among the areas that BPC will explore:

  1. Obtaining and maintaining U.S. global leadership in AI research, development, and adoption
  2. Establishing a regulatory environment that does not stifle innovation, but promotes fairness, inclusion, and privacy
  3. Creating a skilled workforce prepared to thrive in an AI-driven economy
  4. Identifying and promoting AI norms and best practices that protect American national and economic security

To implement this strategy, BPC—in partnership with Hurd and Kelly—will convene an expert advisory group made up of leaders and innovators in business, academia, consumer advocacy, civil rights, and national security to create a robust dialogue that will address the complex policy challenges within AI and the broader impact it will have on our society.

We are witnessing a technological revolution and there is still much uncertainty when it comes to understanding AI’s full potential. Significant effort must be made now to develop a national strategy to ensure that the United States can remain competitive and secure. BPC’s AI initiative is the first step in crafting a framework that will tackle this critical issue.

When AI technology is used wisely, it can strengthen national security measures, bolster the economy, and raise standards of living for millions of Americans.

With evidence-based policymaking, Congress can spur the development of AI and harness its capabilities while protecting individual privacy, avoiding bias, and promoting economic and social inclusion.

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